I wouldn't go on bvacation/b worrying about work and I damn sure wouldn't call work while on bvacation/b? I don't like cheap shoes so you wouldn't catch me in wal mart shopping for shoes but I don't need to announce over and over again about wal mart selection of b...../b Case in point, ?The Bell Curve,? by Murray and bHernstein/b. That book is nothing more that White supremacist hate literature dressed up as science, which Stephen J. Gould and other researchers have roundly rebuked. ...
I wouldn't go on bvacation/b worrying about work and I damn sure wouldn't call work while on bvacation/b? I don't like cheap shoes so you wouldn't catch me in wal mart shopping for shoes but I don't need to announce over and over again about wal mart selection of b...../b Case in point, ?The Bell Curve,? by Murray and bHernstein/b. That book is nothing more that White supremacist hate literature dressed up as science, which Stephen J. Gould and other researchers have roundly rebuked. ...
An De Vries zeigte wohl auch der Verfassungsschutz Interesse: Ein ?Journalist?, mit dem sich Thorsten in einem bHotel/b traf, stellte sich im als Mitarbeiter der Hamburger Innenbehörde vor und bot ihm Hilfe beim Ausstiegt aus der Szene an. b....../b Ich habe Murray und bHernstein/b nicht gelesen; aber ich habe Eysenck gelesen. Ich glaube, ich habe sogar alles gelesen, was von Eysenck je in deutscher Sprache erschienen ist. Und ich kenne die Argumente seiner Gegner. b.../b